
Apple's Vision Pro Faces Production Cut Amid Weak Sales

Apple is planning to cut production of the Vision Pro after weaker-than-expected demand. This is according to a new report from Apple analyst Ming-chi Kuo. Kuo notes that the company is already forecasting lower demand than expected despite the headset not having been released outside the US. According to Kuo, the “market consensus” had dropped the number of Vision Pro sales from 700,000-800,000 to 400,000-450,000 in 2024. Reports suggested that some early buyers were returning their headsets to Apple with some complaining of headaches and motion sickness. Reasons for the decline remain unclear, but some have pointed to a lack of key applications and complaints about pricing and comfort. Despite its initial success and contributions to discussions on augmented and virtual reality, concerns persist.

Quantum-as-a-service is already solving industry problems

While tech giants battle over qubit counts, quantum computing is quietly delivering benefits to many different types of companies. When quantum …

Zuckerberg says it will take Meta years to make money from generative AI

‘There are several massive ways to build a business here,’ Meta’s CEO warned investors. But it’s going to take time and be costly. The generative AI gold rush is underway — just don’t expect it to create profits anytime soon. That was the message from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to investors during …

More than half of U.S. has tried generative AI according to Adobe Analytics

Just how far has generative AI — the latest tech trend from Silicon Valley, which rocketed to prominence with the November 2022 release of ChatGPT by OpenAI — permeated the mainstream? In the U.S., around 53 percent of people have tried it, according to a new survey of 3,000 participants from Adobe …

MIT’s trillion-frames-per-second camera can capture light as it travels

"There's nothing in the universe that looks fast to this camera." A new camera developed at MIT can photograph a trillion frames per second. Compare …

DARPA’s AI test pilot successfully flew a dogfight against a human

After flying against simulated opponents, the AI agent has taken on humans. An AI test pilot has successfully flown a jet fighter in dogfights against …

Too many models

How many AI models is too many? It depends on how you look at it… but 10 a week is probably a bit much. That’s how many we had in the last few days, or close to it, and it’s increasingly hard to say whether and how these models compare to one another — if it was ever possible to begin with. So …